Art in the woolshed
After much consideration, it has been decided not to hold this event in 2017. The style of future events is being considered and planning is underway for a revised format.
At past events, a selection of artworks is displayed from many disciplines including:
- Paintings
- Sculpture
- Wool: woven, felted & knitted
- Jewellery
- Forged Steel
- Timber
- Fabric
- Pottery
- Leather
- Photography
Our 2015 event was held at the Bendee shearing shed, situated 20 minutes west of Stanthorpe
Art in the Woolshed was first held in 1997 to provide a venue for members, friends and invited artists and artisans to display their work in the form of a social gathering, and what better venue than of course a woolshed, to reflect the history and promote the wool production in the Traprock area.
That first event held at the Pikedale Shearing shed was a huge success and generated much support and creativity within our ‘Traprock’ community and far beyond. The 2015 Art in the Woolshed was being held for the second time at the 87 year old Bendee shed. This working shearing shed is situated on Springdale Road, amongst the original timber sheep yards and lovely eucalypts.
Whilst this exhibition is a tremendous social gathering it is also a very successful retail event for the artists. It serves to promote the quality work of not only the better known artists, but will help to uncover some talent from the isolation and obscurity of the bush. This, in conjunction with the larger view of further promotion of the Granite Belt area makes the efforts of the volunteers providing this exhibition truly worthwhile.