
Past Presidents of the Traprock Group

Past Presidents of the Traprock Group

The Traprock Group Association Inc. derived its name in 2010, in line with the gradual and long term change in our focus, from the Traprock Wool Association. The need to fundamentally modify our organisation to incorporate other Primary Producers in the area was recognised as much diversification and alternative sources of income has evolved. The purpose of Traprock Group aims to meet the needs of its changing community.

Since its conception, our association has provided a forum for like-minded wool, beef and sheep meat producers, and more recently horticulturists, to get together and discuss their opinions, suggestions and beliefs. We offer many benefits, such as regular sharing of information via email of local events, news updates, latest industry information, education, training and social activities (meals and refreshments are included for full members - a nominal fee applies for non-members).

The Traprock Group aims to remain a necessary and vital community forum, relevant in our ever-changing world. Traprock is proactive in environmental management and in 2005 we launched our own Environmental Management System (EMS). During this project we were heavily involved in Border Rivers catchment planning with the assistance of Landcare. We encourage Best Practice and are constantly looking at ways to improve our production from the ground up. We do this through education and training through workshops, field days and forums.

The current membership fees are:

Full membership: $121including GST

Associate members: $44 including GST

Full membership is available to individual primary production businesses within the Traprock region at the discretion of the Management Committee. Each membership equates to ONE voting right at member's meetings. Woolgrowers are eligible to use the Traprock Quality Management (TQM) scheme which enables use of the Traprock stencil brand.

Associate membership is for retired primary producers, non-primary producers and companies with an interest in the Traprock Group. Associate membership does NOT hold any voting power.

Please contact the Traprock Secretary for a membership application form by emailing, or contact the secretary directly. Contact details can be found on the Contacts Page.