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'Using Graslan Pellets in the Traprock' Information Session

  • 'Dunblane' Shearing Shed 20901 Cunningham Highway, GORE QLD 4352 GORE Australia (map)

David Bartlett has arranged an information session on ‘Using Graslan Pellets in the Traprock Region’ held by Kevin Melmeth the South East Queensland Sales Manager for FMC Agricultural Solutions.

Details of the information session are below

When: Tuesday 19th March, 2019

Time: 9:00am

Where: 'Dunblane' Shearing Shed, 20901 Cunningham Highway, GORE QLD 4352

RSVP: RSVP no later than Sunday 17th March, 2019 using the below RSVP form or respond directly to David Bartlett on 0407 466 561.

Earlier Event: 14 December
Later Event: 30 August
2019 Traprock AGM