Traprock Group Management Meeting held at "Terrica" Wool Shed
Following is a letter to members from the President Andrew Clark-Dickson following the Management Meeting:
The end of the year is rapidly approaching and as so often happens at this time of the year we are praying for rain to set us up for 2016.
We had a Management meeting at ’Terrica’ woolshed on the 8th Oct at 2pm to discuss the AGM and plan for upcoming events.
The next Traprock days will be a combined day with Leading Sheep on the 26th October at’ Artunga’ Oman-amaand the27th at’ Cooinda’ Dalveen about Sheep Health and Diseases Investigation .
Both the Sheep and Cattle subcommittees have plans for Field days in the New Year and will keep you updated as these plans are finalized.
We also have a combined day with Waratah, Elders and Traprock to construct a fence at the Rabbit grid showing us what is available in fencing materials and construction design. We will send out more details as soon as we know.
The other big issue discussed was mental and physical well being. Sarah McMeniman is co-ordinating this project and we are planning a day in Feb 2016.
To finish another busy year we have our Christmas Party on the 11th December at ‘Terrica’ Woolshed starting at 4.30 pm.
Hope to see you there.
Cheers, Andrew C-D