2016 Annual General Meeting

The 2016 Traprock AGM was held at the Terrica Woolshed on Friday 19th August. This year, the format was changed slightly to an afternoon start with just the AGM as the only business for the day.

Outgoing president Andrew Clark-Dickson opened the proceedings with his president’s report. This was followed by Jonathon Carson delivering the treasurer’s report where it was decided to leave membership fees unchanged at $110 for full membership and $33.00 for an associate membership. Jonathon also stepped down as Treasurer.

Reports were also presented by the chairs of the various sub-committees. Sarah McMeniman reported that the proposed Financial Direction Workshop scheduled for the 7th October 2016 has to be postponed until next year.

In line with the changing focus in the Traprock region, it was decided to create a new committee to assist members. This new committee is titled Health and Well Being.

An election of office bearers for the coming year then took place. The results of those elections are:

President                                            Chris Tesch

Vice President                                   Angus Ferrier

Treasurer                                            Stephanie Goodrich

Secretary                                             Cath Smith

Immediate Past President           Andrew Clark-Dickson

Member Services                            Janie Carson

Health and Well Being                    Sarah McMeniman

Beef                                                      Graham Flood

Sheep and Wool                               David Bartlett

Natural Resources                           Duncan Ferrier and Bim Goodrich

Web Administrators                        Matt and Jess Bartlett

A General Meeting followed. The upcoming Christmas Party was discussed and suggestions included sunset drinks, cocktail party, and pig on a spit. A meeting will be held shortly to work out the details.

Duncan Ferrier thanked Andrew Clark-Dickson for his work as president particularly during the time of the Nuclear Waste Facility proposal.

Those that attended the AGM commented that they liked the change in format. They felt freer to speak and not constrained by time and that issues could be more fully explored.

The meeting closed at 4.30pm. Attendees then enjoyed nibbles and refreshments followed by a delicious array of curries, casseroles and desserts. Thank you to those who helped with the meals.