Traprock Group Management Committee Meeting, held at Rosemary Hill
Sub Committee Reports
Beef: Cris Tesch reported that while he & Andrew Gray have utilised part of this nutrition spreadsheet developed by Roger Sneath, it is a massive task to make it relevant to the Traprock. It needs Roger to run a workshop to explain to interested members in detail how to utilise it.
Sheep & Wool: Michael Welsh reported that wool prices had continued to fluctuate with short term buying orders over the last 2 years for all microns, with no confidence in fine wool sales. The committee is considering ideas for workshops as the continued dry makes it difficult.
Horticulture: Angus Ferrier reported that the 4 Traprock orchards have been selected as a trial site for studying Qld Fruit Fly control. Th area was chosen as it's an isolated site & the trial is being run by the NSW DPI & Horticulture Australia among others.
Wild Dogs: Julie Pratt noted that AWI funding had been used to buy 2 coldrooms for Warwick & Stanthorpe so that meat was available for baiting. Electrification of the fence between Springdale Rd & Sundown National Park was taking place.
Member Services: It was decided to simplify the process for potential new members contacting Traprock. They will now be asked to contact the secretary who will email them an application form & banking details.
General Business:
1) Mercardo offer of 3 month free trial of their information service for producers of wool, meat & grains. Mecardo needs the email addresses of members to sign them up for the free trial. It was agreed that the secretary email members asking those who did not wish to be part of this trial to reply sayng so.
2) A field day is planned for May 7th to look at Scott Withey's alternative livestock & his pasture improvement methods on Pikedale North,Inverary & Oakey Creek.