Traprock Group Management Committee Meeting, held at Artunga
Subcommittee Reports
Wild Dogs: It was decided that Traprock group would support the supply of bait meat in the 2 Traprock freezers to ensure there is always meat available & that the people who have the freezers are not out of pocket.Traprock representatives will continue to pressure the GRC to act on maintaining the dog fence.
Sheep & Wool: Michael Welsh reported on their meeting held in May which proposed 3 possible projects: a practical lamb feedlot workshop, an improved pastures field day & the formation of small localised producer subgroups.
Beef: Chris Tesch noted that thier was little support at this stage for a working cattle dog training workshop, but that the idea would be canvassed again at the AGM
Horticulture: Angus Ferrier reported that the Traprock Fruit Fly Control Trial was underway. Traps have been set up in all 4 orchards, with locations mapped on gps. these wil be checked regularly & the flies caught sent to Orange in NSW for identifcation & recording.
General Business:
1) The Field Day held in May attracted a good crowd.
2) Mercardo Trial: 11 members have taken up the offer fo a free trial for 3 months.
3) AGM planning. A timetable & possible speakers to be invited for the AGM on August 5th were discussed.