Traprock Group Management Committee Meeting, held at "Rosemary Hill"
Subcommittee Reports
Wild Dogs: Representatives from Traprock will continue to attend meetings with both the Goondiwindi Regional Council & the Southern Downs Regional Council wild dog committees in an effort to highlight the problem areas in the Traprock region.
Sheep & Wool: A workshop on ‘Finishing Prime Lambs’ is planned for Wednesday 1st April at Artunga. This will be organised by Leading Sheep with the support of the Traprock Group.
Beef: The occurrence of rock fern toxicity in cattle & the various ways this can be dealt with was discussed. An email will be forwarded to Traprock members to gauge the extent of the problem.
Horticulture: The next horticultural field day will be organised & this will be publicised to all members.
Membership: The secretary is to send a letter introducing Traprock Group to new residents in the district.
Genaral Business
1) Art in the Woolshed 2015: The President gave a summary of the recent meeting of the Art in the Woolshed committee in Stanthorpe when the attractive design for the flyer from Liz Bennett was approved. An Art in the Woolshed facebook page has also been set up to further publicise the event.
2) Water Submission: It was agreed that Traprock would continue with the submission to the state government to gain more access to water in this area, as in spite of slow progress & a change of government, it was felt the process needed to be kept open as a matter of economic viability.