Report on the Financial Directions Workshop
More than 35 members and guests attended the Traprock Group Financial Directions Workshop held at the Terrica Woolshed on Friday the 17th February 2017.
Despite the steamy conditions in the shed, the day was a huge success. Alistair McCorquodale of McCorquodale & Co Pty Ltd provided a wealth of information throughout the day on a great range of financial matters. He is clearly passionate and extremely knowledgeable regarding all manner of financial issues. Just a few of the topics covered were: taxation, superannuation, investing including managed funds and shares, equipment leasing – the list is long.
Rebecca Lancaster of Maxwell and Lancaster Solicitors also spoke knowledgeably on a range of legal matters surrounding such things as succession planning, estate planning, wills, power of attorney and advance health care directives.
The Group is very appreciative of the time and effort freely given by Alistair and Rebecca.
Attendees also heard from Mike Fagg who spoke about Federal Government assistance available to Primary Producers in need of financial support due to the current long running drought.
ICPA provided the usual delicious BBQ lunch.
While enjoying a cold, refreshing drink at the end of the day, participants commented that the day far exceeded their expectations and a number of financial and legal matters had been brought to their attention that should be dealt with prudently and expeditiously.
Many thanks to Stuart Goodrich for the massive effort he put into organising the day.
Any member who was unable to attend the day but would like a copy of the various handouts, can contact Stuart who will be happy to forward them on to you.
Chris Tesch