Update from the Natural Resources Committee

Update from the Natural Resources Committee

The timeline that the committee is working to is determined by the release of the department’s draft Water Resource Plan (WRP) for the Border Rivers due in mid 2017. The committee is working with Rod Glass and Tom Crothers to ensure that options for water allocations are included for Traprock landholders in the first draft of the WRP, not as an afterthought. That will be step 1.

To support us doing this and through the Federal Government’s “Farm Cooperatives and Collaboration Pilot Programme” we have been using Tom and Rod for relevant advice and to develop our relationships with the appropriate Departmental Officers and to target key areas.

Within the next two months we hope to have a fully-fledged and funded project that will include expert water modelling, the key to proving that there will be no disadvantage to other water users downstream and no adverse environmental outcomes.

From a Community view point we have spoken to Border Rivers Food & Fibre, The Dumaresq Valley Irrigators and the Macintyre Brook Irrigators. They are all supportive of our proposals.

We are also seeking meetings with both Lawrence Springborg and Minister Lynham whilst organising a meeting with all relevant water planners both regionally and from Brisbane.

Time is of the essence and we hope to have more good news soon.

The Horticulture Field Day which Angus Ferrier has organised should give members a good feel for the available new options water can give us in the Traprock region.